INSPIRE Your Audience with ground breaking tools for any classroom
Learning from the Cheap Seats: How Shakespeare, the Simpsons, and you can engage Different Learners and Enlarge the Literacy Circle
Articles predicting “The End of Reading,” research suggesting students are digital-visual smart, but disconnected from literacy paint a dire picture. But we know multi-media has engaged learners since Shakespeare put three witches around a boiling pot on stage. Roger Essley shows how tapping students’ natural engagement with visual verbal tools pulls reluctant readers and writers into the literacy circle. You’ll see groundbreaking tools, road-tested and refined in many classrooms; to boost reading comprehension and make writing and revision easier. Let students show you how visuals long used in film, engineering, powerfully integrate the literacy of Homer the Greek and Homer Simpson, preparing all students for the 21st century literacy in their digital visual, future.
Partnering with our Different Learners
A revealing look at school from the “different learners” perspective, and exciting learning news from the back row. Roger shares his early learning struggles, as a reluctant reader and writer, and his groundbreaking work with visual tools in many classrooms. He shows simple tools and practical strategies that engage reluctant readers and writers AND he shares this exciting message: when we tap all learners natural visual verbal skills we make differentiated instruction a practical reality AND we discover our different learners may be more like us, and more successful than we imagined.
Data Driven: Best Practices that Inspire Learners AND Raise Test Scores
Our students have been called the visual generation but they are often disconnected from classroom literacy. See how visual tools can engage learners, boost TEST scores, AND prepare your students for the exciting learning challenges in their digital visual future. Roger shows tapping learners natural visual skills makes any content more accessible. See how student using visual notes to boost reading comprehension, and how drawing as a basic math tool dramatically boosts success including success on the state Math test. See how simple hands-on tools become the natural bridge to high tech skills. We’ll look at exciting literacy research and explore groundbreaking visual tools that make any classroom more inclusive, enlarging the literacy circle as we inspire all our learners.
Keynote Talks
KEYNOTE TALKS — Visual Learning
Let Roger Inspire your audience with the exciting power of visual tools to engage learners. Roger shows how tapping students natural visual learning skills changes the learning landscape making any classroom more inclusive. Most important teachers see practical strategies they can take back to their learners the next day to see immediate results.
Roger presents at both national and regional conferences, including the NCTE and the IRA conventions. A Keynote can be linked to hands-on In-Service trainings.